Creative, innovative, enthusiastic & forward-thinking leader in a team environment with big picture focus. | Recognized for innov...
Ran his own company where he brought on partners including Activision, Twitch, and Sega | Got serious relationships in the video g...
Worked as a Head of People for a Web3/Blockchain company and built from 50-170 people | Enjoys building teams and improving human ...
Been a QA for high-profile gaming companies and for indie studios.
Passionate and highly experienced gaming leader with a track record of building and leading teams and studios to ship ‘AAA’ produc...
Possess strong technical skills with hands-on experience in HTML/CSS & Javascript and using libraries/frameworks such as React/red...
A content writer/journalist for one of the biggest global media companies and privately held financial, software, data, and media ...
A solid HR candidate | Loves startups and wants to dive further into the world of crypto/blockchain.
Software developer specializing in blockchain technologies | Smart contracts in solidity and backend servers that communicate with...