A rock-solid CMO/Head of Growth with 13 years of gaming experience with one of the biggest gaming companies in the world and has b...
Head of Studio for one of the biggest game-producing companies | VP of Marketing for a multinational mass media and entertainment ...
Handling the entire recruitment process from beginning to close for engineering professionals of all levels.
Head of Growth of a cryptocurrency exchange, wallet, interest yield product, custodian, & crypto-rewards credit card | Also Head o...
Senior Community Manager and Communications Lead. Have SMM experience and SEO skills. Fluent English, Impeccable writing skills. P...
Passionate about growing blockchain/crypto projects by leveraging her social media development and community management skills.
Built and deployed a web service using Go, AWS, and Docker to handle promise-to-pay requests from an external vendor
Proven track record building high-performance global marketing, sales, and product management strategies, processes, and teams acr...
Managed and built multiple enterprise partnerships teams. Adept at problem-solving and large-scale project implementation.